Sunday, February 17, 2008
Late Winter Seduction

Still, it is early to be planting, so I will hold off for another week and start more tomatoes and basils and also the other herbs, such as lemon balm, monarda and sweet marjoram.
It's been a pretty wet winter and, to make it even nicer, the snow has spread itself out across the season, so the trees are well watered and hardy weeds are already sprouting. Still, while that is excellent for the trees, it doesn't do much for the summer vegetable garden. So a few summers back, my husband drug water out to the garden area. Here you see some of the PVC pipe that is burried under the sand. It extends about 200 ft to my little garden area. Without it, there would be no garden.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Spring-Like Today

Took advantage of the lovely weather to spend some time outside with my few, precious trees. The pines and the fruit trees all got a deep water (15 gallons each or more) early enough in the day that they were well drained of surface water before night fall and the return of freezing temperatures. I will take care of the trees in the back yard tomorrow morning, since the weather looks like it will be similar.
Don't know what type of fly/wasp this is a picture of, but they absolutely love sunflowers. Their bright green eyes and body glisten in the sunshine. They must come from at least 600 feet away to visit my sunflowers. I wonder if the sunflower scent carries on the breeze a mile or two to the lake, beconning these sparkly beauties? If I have 50 blooms or 100 blooms next year, will they be covered in shimmery green? But these are not the only pollinators to visit the sunflowers. Giant Hawk Moths, also known as Humming Bird Moths, also visit. But they visit at dusk and during the night, and so far, I have not caught any with my camera. But I will stalk them more diligently this Spring, and perhaps have a trophy photo to post to this site.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Morning Glories : Desparately Waiting for Spring

Haven't actually gotten any morning glories to grow to the point of flowering, yet. First, the seeds have a hard time germinating in our dry desert environment. Then those that do germinate have a difficult time shedding their seed coats with out help - again, due to the dryness. Finally, those that make it to their first true set of leaves get mowed down by hungry ground squirls. This year I am going to try starting them indoors in large, biodegradable pots (12 " or more in diameter). Since they don't like their roots disturbed, I'll plant them out, pot and all, when the night time temps are reliably over 40*F. Maybe I'll get lucky. I love morning glories - I've about a dozen types of morning glory seeds just ready to cover some chain link fencing!
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