White "EE" Pullet. A bit less agressive than their darker cousins.
My adventures in gardening (with Chickens) in the Northern Nevada High Desert.
There are some advantages to winter, though. First off, it isn't so doggoned hot. Of course, that probably means it is freezing cold. We do get a few weeks where it is actually nice, though. Maybe one in April, maybe a few in May, a few in September. If we're lucky, a few in October.
Another advantage of winter is that the winds die down, meaning there is less dust in the air. On a cold, clear November night, you can see stars beyond imagination. Those of you who live your lives in the city miss one of the joys of rural life - turning off all the lights and sitting on the porch with a good dog at your feet and counting stars. In November, there are no blood-thirsty bugs to feast on you at night. I think even if you were a hard-core atheist, at a moment like that, you would be tempted to Believe.
Peas were planted two days before the sub-20°F night. So far, none have peaked up from the ground. Perhaps I was too late in planting them? I was hoping for pea vines for the chickies to munch on in winter, even if we didn't get any peas.
Garlic is here and ready to plant out. My living room smells so yummy with the bulbs waiting for me there - waiting for me to
About selling chicken eggs...
Of course, one must count one's eggs before the chickens actually start laying. It's the way it is done! So even though no one is laying yet... with 25 hens, and 2 of 3 laying an egg every day, we could have 18-20 eggs or so during peak season. That could mean that I have 10 dozen eggs a week to sell at the farmer's market. Enough to beak even in cost of driving expenses and almost a weeks worth of chicken feed. An added bonus is that my granddaughter lives in the same town as the little farmer's market that I would attend. So it would just be another excuse to see her every week. Any eggs that didn't sell I could give to my daughter.
But to really make it worth it from a dollar perspective, I think I would need 100 hens... but that is starting to sound like work. I have to remember, the chickens are for therapy and entertainment, not work! ...and maybe I can sell some garlic, too...
With the idea that I might have a very small egg business, here are some resources I have found...on the other hand, I have not been able to find anything useful on the laws that I need to comply with...
Of course, that was too cold for me to go mucking about in the wane morning light. All of these pictures were taken in the coop in the evening while it was a balmy 34°F.Closer view of the Maran Hen (left) and Maran Rooster (right). It's difficult to tell in this photo, but the hens are all quite a bit darker in coloring, with little rose combs. The rooster is a lot larger than the hens, and his comb is traditional rooster looking, not rose at all. And, of course, he crows. A lot. And not just at sunrise, but whenever he darn well feels. He crows at me when I enter the coop and startle him, and he crows at my german shepard. I think he just likes to hear himself crow. The other two roosters don't crow nearly as much.
A trio of Silver Laced Wyandotte hens. They have almost no combs. I chose the Marans both for the dark brown eggs that they lay, and also, because, like the Wyandottes, they have small combs. I'm hoping this will help avert frost bite.
Closer view of a Silver Laced Wyandotte hen. Note her red earlobes. She will lay traditional brown eggs (not nearly as dark as the Marans).
Left to Right: Ameraucana rooster, Maran hen, Brown/Orange Ameraucana - all puffed out and mad because I woke her up - two Silver Laced Wyandottes.
Brown/Orange Ameraucana and a Silver Laced Wyandotte - I stuck my finger under the Wyandotte - nice and toasty under the feathers and in her down. Feet all warm, too. They are perched on 2" x 4" boards with the wide side parallel to the floor so they can cover all of their feet when roosting. Supposed to help prevent frostbite on the toesies.
And, of course, no photo shoot could be complete without a photo of The Princess Chicken. Since the roosters have started crowing and growing spurs, she (we still think she is a she) has stopped crowing. She is acting more feminine, too - not nearly as agressive as she used to be. Still, we don't have eggs from her, yet, so she still might be a he. White Ameraucana. Ameraucanas lay blue or green eggs, with the color being specific to the hen (i.e. she will lay all blue or all green eggs, and not a mixture).
Maran hen on top of an 8 ft ladder. She's the top hen and she always wants to roost as high up as possible. I left the ladder in the coop after adjusting the heat lamp (the ladder is far from the lamp) - and now she has taken over. I guess I will have to presure wash and bleach before returning it to my husband!
By the way, the heat lamp doesn't really heat the coop, but it does keep the waterer mostly deiced - meaning that I won't usually have to go chip ice for them in the wee hours before work.
When I went to the nursery in Reno and asked what type of trees would grow well out where I live (about an hour from Reno), the reply was, "You live in the Great Basin Desert - trees don't grow there." When I asked on a garden forum why I was having trouble with my tomato plants not setting fruit, they told me that "I live in a desert and tomatoes don't like the 40 degree day to night temperature swings." When I looked at my neighbors, I saw that most had "rock gardens." There are almost no lawns where I live. Most of the newer homes have sickly looking little "stick" trees that are struggling to survive. There are no flower gardens within several miles of me - at least none that you can see from the road. There is no soil or dirt - it is sand at least 6-10 feet down.
I won't go into how I came to live in the desert (although I may comment on how I have come to love this place), other than to say it was not my first choice. I have lived in Georgia and seen the green rolling hills of Tennessee and Arkansas. I have eaten fresh peaches in California's San Joaquin Valley. I would much rather live anywhere with names like "The Corn Belt" or "Georgia Peach Country" or "Kentucky Blue Grass." But I'm here. And while the desert tan can magically turn into sparkling steaks of gold, molten red and deep russets during sunrise or sunset, for most of the hot and dry summer, it is merely sand colored. So, a few years ago, I endeavored to create a little green oasis on our property.
Currently, I have a fenced 50 x 75 foot area as my gardening experiment area. The fence keeps out our large dogs and possibly larger jack rabbits; however from prints in the sand, it appears that smaller cotton tails and (from the smell) skunks are not deterred by 2x4 welded wire. I did not even attempt to fence out the ground squirrels or kangaroo mice. This blog endeavours to record my 2008 adventures in gardening in the High Desert and perhaps give some hints, tips and tricks on how to have a successful garden here.