Saturday, March 29, 2008

Weeds - er, native plants?

It's Spring and the weeds sure know it! I'm not really sure what these are, but there are an abundance of them growing in the garden area. It always astounds me that there are things that will grow in pretty darn near pure sand (look at the photos - I don't really see much organic matter in that there growing medium!). I know I will probably regret it, but I am actually watering and taking care of a patch of weeds to see what they turn into. I did this a few years ago and now have a perenial Desert Mallow growing in the garden - lovely orange flowers with geranium-looking leaves. Hopefully I won't be spreading weed seeds that will haunt me for years and years to come. If I get my act together, I'll try to post more pictures of these weeds throughout the seasons.

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